In 1998, animator Craig McCracken brought forth The Powerpuff Girls on TV screens. The series centers around three young girls—Blossom, Bubbles, and Buttercup—concocted by their dad, Professor Utonium. With powers, Blossom leads and breathes ice, Bubbles uses sonic screams and connects with animals, while Buttercup excels in strength and combat. They defend Townsville from foes, solidifying their heroine status.
This Holiday 2023, Nike SB partners with The Powerpuff Girls, introducing Dunk Lows. Each shoe corresponds to a girl’s outfit.
The “Blossom” SB Dunk Low boasts Lotus Pink, Digital Pink, and Medium Soft Pink. Pink upper, Black-out midsole mirror Blossom’s look. Bright Orange Swooshes and laces mimic her hair. Noteworthy eyes grace the heels, with reflective trims, logo-laden tongues, and comic-style insoles.
Launching on December 14th in select skate shops, followed by a wider release on December 15th via Nike SNKRS, The Powerpuff Girls x Nike SB Dunk Low “Blossom” caters to all sizes. Prices start at $75 for toddlers, $90 for preschoolers, and $135 for men’s. Embrace these iconic characters through fashionable kicks.
In summary, The Powerpuff Girls, animated darlings since 1998, team up with Nike SB for a unique Dunk Low series. The “Blossom” design, paying homage to the leader, boasts vibrant colors and character-inspired details. Sneaker enthusiasts of all ages can grab a pair, celebrating these timeless heroines in style. Get ready to step out with a dash of nostalgia and a pop of modern flair.
Stay up to date with all upcoming sneaker releases from our Sneaker Release Dates page. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
UPDATE 11/28: Grab a look at the official photos below.
This Holiday 2023, Nike SB partners with The Powerpuff Girls, introducing Dunk Lows. Each shoe corresponds to a girl’s outfit.
The “Blossom” SB Dunk Low boasts Lotus Pink, Digital Pink, and Medium Soft Pink. Pink upper, Black-out midsole mirror Blossom’s look. Bright Orange Swooshes and laces mimic her hair. Noteworthy eyes grace the heels, with reflective trims, logo-laden tongues, and comic-style insoles.
Launching on December 14th in select skate shops, followed by a wider release on December 15th via Nike SNKRS, The Powerpuff Girls x Nike SB Dunk Low “Blossom” caters to all sizes. Prices start at $75 for toddlers, $90 for preschoolers, and $135 for men’s. Embrace these iconic characters through fashionable kicks.
In summary, The Powerpuff Girls, animated darlings since 1998, team up with Nike SB for a unique Dunk Low series. The “Blossom” design, paying homage to the leader, boasts vibrant colors and character-inspired details. Sneaker enthusiasts of all ages can grab a pair, celebrating these timeless heroines in style. Get ready to step out with a dash of nostalgia and a pop of modern flair.
Stay up to date with all upcoming sneaker releases from our Sneaker Release Dates page. Be sure to follow us on Twitter and Instagram.
UPDATE 11/28: Grab a look at the official photos below.